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I understand and agree that... I am giving my name and billing information to through the Stripe Payment gateway; this information is only for billing, subscription, and communication purposes, only between myself and via "Club Yonge". I may cancel my membership at any time, but I will never be refunded. My membership may be canceled at any time for no reason by and if so will not be refunded. There are no refunds nor any guarantees whatsoever for subscriptions at If I buy a product that is shipped to me, I am responsible to pay postage on returned or exchanged products, postage is not refunded, and all products must be returned in original, resalable condition if I want a refund or exchange. is a brand owned and managed with content authored by Jesse Steele under whatever corporation he uses to hold that brand, its web domain, and the content thereof; and is co-branded with "Club Yonge", which may appear in some places for billing and communication purposes. I will not "troll" or heckle or use my subscription information to defame or publicly disagree with or critique the content available through my subscription. I will not share or redistribute the content available to me through my subscription, though I may freely quote statements no longer than two sentences per article in any social media or print media I so choose, merely by citing reference to either or both of "Jesse Steele" or "". The names, events, and information in the content available through my subscription, while based on real events, contains details, time lines, and names that have been altered. Copyright and hacking notice: All content Copyrightâ“’ by and its legal holding. All rights reserved, except for brief quotes of no more than two sentences per article with cited credit, as already defined herein. Access to the login-protected content of this website without a granted or paid login subscription is a violation of international copyright law and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable in all jurisdictions, governments notwithstanding except where warrant is posted by due process of law.